In a school environment, certain standards of sound insulation must be complied with. Not only do they need to meet guidelines, but they should also provide an environment that positively encourages learning through better concentration. Carefully selecting the right floor not only helps to reduce sound, but it can also negate costly subfloor structure revisions or the need for specialist acoustic underlays.

From classroom to corridor

With varied and complex needs, education facilities require a multi-disciplinary approach to floor selection. For example, the needs of a classroom or library are entirely different to those of a corridor or congregation area, reception, changing room or laboratory. Providing carpet tile, decorative vinyl and LVT as well acoustic and safety flooring, IVC can develop a solution that works for your facility.

IVC allows you to design a floor layout that not only inspires through well-designed products, but also one that enhances the learning environment. From the comfort and excellent performance of carpet tiles and the style and practicality of LVT for receptions, through to attractive, functional sheet vinyl in corridors, IVC products meet the need for floors that are durable and easy to maintain, regardless of location.

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