The impact of biophilic design on mental and physical well-being

From Ancient Rome to modern times, all around the globe, humans have strived to design structures and environments that soothe the soul. This approach is called biophilic design, and it’s a proven way to effectively enhance health and well-being for both individuals and society in general. But how does it work?

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What is biophilic design?

Applicable in both public and private spaces, biophilic design aims to improve physical and mental well-being by integrating a connection to the natural world into interior design and architecture. Good biophilic design combines a nature- and human-centric approach to create spaces that are inspirational and restorative.

It’s also shown to have more concrete beneficial effects in public spaces: biophilic offices register noticeable decreases in absenteeism, shops sell more and even hospital statistics show faster recovery rates for patients who have access to natural daylight and greenery.

The benefits of biophilic design

It improves general well-being
Incorporating direct or indirect elements of nature into the buildings has been demonstrated through research to reduce stress, blood pressure levels and heart rates, while increasing productivity, creativity and general emotional and even physical well-being.

It increases productivity
Introducing elements of biophilic design into classrooms and offices has been proven to increase productivity, focus and creativity. In schools, it has even been shown to improve test results and reduce ADHD symptoms.

It adds value to the space
When nature is introduced to a space, for instance, through the presence of vegetation and landscaping, it increases average rental prices for retail spaces.

How the right flooring solution can contribute to biophilic design

While plants and natural daylight are major factors in biophilic design, other interior design aspects can also play important roles. For instance, a vinyl floor that combines true-to-nature looks and textures with warmth and comfort is the perfect contributor to a nurturing and harmonious environment.

Dutch housing corporation Viveste is a great example: the company used wooden walls and IVC's Moduleo 55 Verdon Oak with a realistic wood effect to add to the natural atmosphere. Thanks to its textured lines and knots, the floor truly feels like wood.